Isabella Torrealba | GLOBALS Marketing Intern
Hi Everyone!
My name is Isabella, my hometown is Caracas, Venezuela, and my current home is Berlin, since 2013, so I am already an official expat for 2 years. I know how it feels to be new in a city, so please don’t hesitate to ask me whatever you need; This is also the reason why I’ve decided to join Club GLOBALS, helping expats to have an easier international life, is a very inspiring task!
I am pleased to say that I will be making an internship at Club GLOBALS for the next months. I have a degree in Communication, therefore I’ll be helping in the area of Digital Marketing and Community Management. I’ll be creating content, taking pictures, attending our events and much more! So yes, I am super happy! Why? Because I am doing what I love to do, and how Confucius said:
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
I’m also big fan of technology; I like to follow its moves and trends. I’ve to say my favorite toy at the moment is the Google Cardboard, and I have the Oculus Rift on the top of my current wishlist; OK, I admit it, I’m sort of a Geek!
Other of my big passions is Photography, not only because I enjoy taking pictures, but also because I love to see and admire others photographers work. I can often be found in Berlin taking pictures of basically everything that catch my attention from sunsets to street art. You will watch most of pictures in my personal Instagram and EyeEm account, and as well in our Instagram Account: @ClubGLOBALS
I am looking forward to spread to the world what Club GLOBALS is and bring more people to this amazing Expat Community. I’ll meet you soon in our upcoming events !