Innovation Attraction Program and Startupnight 2020 in Dubai

The ‘Innovation Attraction Program’

Designed and executed by Dubai SME and promoted by his Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, took place at the same city between the 10th and 14th of February. We had the pleasure to showcase GLOBALS, and our Founder Mario Paladini was moderator of the Startupnight event and also business coach for the startups attending. The Innovation Attraction Program wants to help over 25,000 startups from around the world to start doing business in Dubai.

The event was composed of three parallel events; Startup Alliance, Startup night and Step Conference. It has been a week full of startup demos, pitches, success stories, conferences, business, fun, and party.

The events

DUBAI SME together with Startup Alliance, from Berlin Partner, helps startups from around the world to help to start their business in Dubai. Startup Alliance happened between the 8th and the 10th of February. Lots of meetings between global startup and locals, aiming to help local startups to scale out of the country by finding new partners, and also a door to foreign startup to make business in EAU.

Not less important, lots of conferences from some world references about startup related topics have helped entrepreneurs and startups to improve their skills. So they get the next level and finally and not less important, an introduction to the EAU culture in order to start business with the right hand.

Durant the week, Dubai SME has hosted again the Startupnight the 11th of February with demos, pitch, and party. They hosted international innovative Startups together with some of the leading businesses, investors and experts from Dubai. Where our CEO got the honor to be the master of ceremony. 


Finally but not less important, Step conference was closing the week. It’s the most experiential tech festival in the middle east offers to startup the possibility to meet top VCs, investors, participate in the Startup Basecamp, Pitch Competition, Mentor’s Corner, Investor Meetings, and more.

The week started with a desert Safari Saturday the 8th followed for cultural and market sessions related to Dubai. In the evening, participants got the chance to meet Dubai based investors. It was an introduction to Dubai’s ecosystem, so the Monday participants could take the most of the meeting with Dubai’s industry experts and ecosystem. Tuesday and Wednesday were full of startups pitches, expositions and the main events. Finally, on Wednesday some participants had the chance to go around the Dubai Expo 2020 space. It created huge expectations around Dubai Expo 2020, which is going to be one of the most impactful events of the year in the whole world with more than 150 days of duration.


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