
Every country has a slightly different procedure when it comes to job applications.

It might be hard to believe I know, but Germany tends to be quite bureaucratic when it comes to job applications. Most companies will require more than just the standard CV and cover letter – it always pays to make sure you know exactly what they need before you apply.

1. If it isn’t clear, contact the company and find out exactly what documents they will need for an application. This can differ from company to company, so it is always worth reaching out before you start, either via email or by phone.

2. In your cover letter, be sure to mention where you saw the job advertised and the date. Also, you should mention what kind of visa you have and how long you intend to stay in Germany if not forever. Remember all the standard cover letter tricks – refer to the job description, mention why you want to work for the company and keep it brief and to the point. Apply the AIDA structure: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

3. In your CV you should include the following:

  • Contact information – in Germany this typically includes your address as well as email and phone and so on.

  • Personal Information – including your date of birth, marital status, and any children.

  • All the usual things you would put in your CV – employment history, transferable skills, language spoken, education and so on.

4. In Germany, it is typical to include a photo with your application. Don’t use any old picture – it should be a professional photograph taken in a studio. Expect to assign some budget to the picture. The photograph should be roughly passport sized and sit in the upper right corner of your CV.

5. Date and sign your application even if you are sending it via email. Often these official documents need to be signed or at least give it a professional appearance. Of course, these are just guidelines, and different professions will have different application processes. You know your own industry, so take common sense and professional know-how into consideration when you apply for a job in Germany.

To learn more about what to keep in mind for applications in Germany, join our GLOBALS Jobs + Get Together event.

Good Luck!

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