On June 29th,30th and July 1st, Club GLOBALS organized its biggest event so far: The Startup Jobs Fair. Created from scratch this event has no similar one and it’s rare for Berlin. The main added value of the SJF was its two networking parties who took place one day before and one day after the fair itself. Allowing employees, founders, hr specialists, recruiters, talents, job seekers, students etc. to mingle in a casual way is actually the best way to find a job or find new talents.
GLOBALS Bot Soft Launch
The Startup Jobs Fair was the opportunity for us to softly launch our Chat Bot, a messenger bot which fills out the registration form for you in English when you arrive in a new city. We got a great feedback on the bot which helps us to always improve our service!
30th of June- Fair Day @BARMER
The 30th of June was the main day of the event, where startup had booth and talents were wandering in the fair to find a job and connect.
Alexander Nast- Instagram Reporter for SJF17
Alexander Nast covered the Day Fair, interviewing companies to get to know what their business was and what job they offered. You can watch the full stories bellow.