Bonjour! I’m Pierre! I’ve just joined the GLOBALS Team in Berlin from Bordeaux. I will be cranking up our digital media campaign plan to give you lots of cool expat tips about living in Berlin.

I, myself have moved 5 times in the last 5 years across Canada, USA, Morocco, England and now to Berlin. I previously worked in a specialist relocation company and know exactly what information and solutions an expat really needs when moving abroad. Globals is an international gold mine for expats to find and connect with reputable service providers in their area.

I am also a classic cars enthusiast and like to get up on stage and entertain the masses with my witty stand-up routines.

By joining GLOBALS, I hope to help the expat community by providing the solutions they need to settle in.

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Pierre! Originaire de Bordeaux, je viens de rejoindre la GLOBALS Team à Berlin. Je vais principalement gérer la campagne lié aux médias sociaux et vous donnez de nombreux conseils destinés aux futurs expatriés Berlinois!

Avant Berlin, j’ai eu la chance de vivre dans différents pays (Canada, USA, Maroc, Angleterre) et maintenant Berlin. Fort d’une expérience dans le secteur de la relocalisation, je connais exactement les informations et solutions dont un expatrié a besoin quand il arrive dans un nouveau pays. ClubGLOBALS permet aux expatriés de trouver les réponses et les solutions adaptées à leurs interrogations.

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