Workshop Digitalizing Integrations Brussels

25jan11:30 am12:30 pmWorkshop Digitalizing Integrations BrusselsHow Chatbots shape the future of global professionals


January 25, 2017 11:30 am - 12:30 pm CET(GMT+01:00)


BNP Paribas Fortis Room 4

Other Events

Event Details

On 25th of January we are honored to be at the event in Brussel.

Unconvention is an event for young Europeans with innovative ideas from the big cities in Europe! There will be a lot of inspiring speakers, panel discussions, workshops, networking and some interactive sessions! This year will be the focus on how European startups can grow.

The workshop `Digitalizing integration – How Chatbots shape the future of global professional’ will be a great workshop to get a new knowledge about our project and Chatbots!

Time: 11.30-12.30
Where: BNP Paribas Fortis, Room 4

If you want to get your tickets for the workshop, RSVP. And do not forget to check the website and Facebook.

We want to make international life easier, by new ways and interactive technology. Like our Chatbot.

We hope to see you at our workshop, Digitalizating Integrations.

[TS-VCSC-Youtube content_youtube=”” video_end=”7200″]

Speakers unconvention
Speakers unconvention
speaker unconvention

Also, do not miss our Partner Event on 24 Jan on Quo Vandis EU 2017? How Political & Economical Development will impact EU future


RSVPing is closed at this time.

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Mario Paladini

Networker for Tech Leaders

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